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近几年,中国农村留守群体总量在下降,但庞大的留守群体基数及其背后所彰显的乡村治理价值仍具有研究意义。作为乡村传统主体的留守人口在城乡关系的治理博弈中存在资本动力、人际情感、伦理精神、主体理性和价值认同的风险,并在集体行动中得以呈现。而化解留守群体集体行动的风险在于打造全县域治理共同体、完善社会支持帮扶机制、建立村级生态治理体系、锻造基层党组织组织力、重构乡村现代文化体认。  相似文献   
加强农村基层党组织建设是坚持和加强党对农村工作全面领导的必然要求,是巩固基层政权的迫切需要,是巩固党在农村执政基础的应然选择。但是,部分农村基层党组织软弱涣散,党员结构不平衡,在党意识不强,农村干部本领恐慌,管理制度、监督机制不健全。需要通过选优配强带头人,提升党员队伍素质,增强服务效能,提升乡村治理能力,落实主体责任等路径,推动农村基层党组织全面进步、全面过硬,促进全面从严治在农村落地生根。  相似文献   
“乡土中国”是我国农村的基本社会事实。土地问题是农村经济体制改革的逻辑起点,也是深化改革的关键着力点。优化地权配置,通过土地流转提高农地利用效率是乡村振兴战略的核心。从地权配置角度切入,剖析乡村振兴与农地流转之间的内生关系,探究了当前农地流转的成绩、不足以及困境,以图耦合地、人、业、钱等要素的关系。为推进农地流转体制机制创新,应当加快法律法规体系建设,建立健全网络化的农地流转市场并充分监管农地用途,合理界定相关权利主体及其行为边界,激活土地的多层次权能,促进现代农业与小农户有机衔接,同时健全社会保障体系,减少农地流转的后顾之忧,殷实农民获得感。  相似文献   
Key trends link a globally connected urban archipelago and its hinterlands, warranting new studies of power in its most contemporary forms. This article locates land power and where that power is exercised – looking at the burgeoning global land rush from the perspective of cities. Urbanisation continues to drive vast political transitions, uprooting longstanding agrarian modes of living while creating myriad inequalities within cities. Are the world’s most powerful agglomerations active agents in this transformation? Answering affirmatively, the article reframes urbanisation as a vast, global geopolitical transfer of power from rural to urban. Leading global cities like New York, London, Hong Kong, Chicago and Singapore are not merely impressive collections of factor endowments. They are also sites of concentrated power with coercive influences beyond municipal boundaries. The article asks how cities project power in the contemporary global system. Juxtaposing data on global connectivity with the location strategies of private firms, we learn that the world’s most successful global cities are also sources of exploitative accumulations of land.  相似文献   
This article analyses Salud y Sanidad (Health and Sanitation), a government journal edited in 1930s Colombia. It examines the state's model of public health, which proposed education and prevention as strategies to guarantee the success of its programmes. It argues that despite the journal's more progressive approaches, editors and contributors reproduced stereotypes about Colombia's rural inhabitants that contradicted state rhetoric and showed the limits of public health models that do not address the underlying social inequities that drive the propagation of poverty and disease in rural areas, and that ultimately continued to blame victims for their illness and misfortune  相似文献   
中国的基层执法深受政治体制和社会生态的影响和塑造,“治理空间”可以同时容纳这两种因素,是理解中国基层执法的新视角。乡村治理空间为基层执法提供具体场景,其“拥挤社会”特性和“权力分散”特性,严重制约着基层执法能力。空间区域化机制通过建立综合治理(执法)体系,实现了执法机构的统合和区域化;通过将村级组织、村干部、网格员等纳入执法体系,实现了执法空间的分界和局部化;通过对时间和资源进行情境化配置,实现了时空分区。区域化机制重构着乡村治理空间,回应了基层执法权薄弱和执法能力不足的问题,通过再造基层执法,提高了基层执法效度。  相似文献   
This article analyses how a gendered perspective on community-based tourism (CBT) contributes to the realisation of identity and sovereignty of quilombos. It examines the potential sustainability of CBT coupled with agro-ecological practices within the context of gendered identity politics. Drawing from in-depth ethnographic and archival research conducted between February and July 2015 at Campinho da Independência (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), the article discusses how female leaders integrate sustainable agro-ecological practices and CBT with environmental education in what they call ‘ethno-ecological tourism’. This approach to CBT strengthens a proudly defiant version of Afro-Brazilian ethnic identity vis-à-vis the state.  相似文献   
乡村振兴,治理有效是基础。持续的工业化、城镇化、市场化、信息化,加速了农村社会的分化,加之日益加剧的人口稀疏化、老年化,乡村大有衰落之势。在社会治理领域,农村内部矛盾不断增多,包括村霸在内的黑恶势力严重影响农村社会治安,各种突发公共安全事件频繁发生,基层社会治理领域的问题复杂多样,乡村治理面临巨大挑战。国家实施乡村振兴战略两年多来,围绕社会治理,制定并出台了一系列大政方针,为乡村有效治理指明了方向。按照共建共治共享社会治理制度的基本要求,在“七位一体”社会治理体系的总框架下,完善党组织领导的“三治”结合的乡村社区治理体系,落实县乡村联动的乡村治理工作体系,横向上要建立健全权责清晰、体制顺畅、多元互动的乡村社会治理体系,纵向上要建立健全指挥有方、服务到位、上下联动的乡村社会治理体系。  相似文献   
红色文化资源是中国共产党领导中国人民进行革命、建设、改革所形成的物质财富和精神财富的综合体。河北太行山作为中国共产党的重要革命圣地,拥有丰富的红色文化资源。但在其开发利用过程中存在区域化突出、管理不规范、吸引力不足等方面的问题。因此,河北太行山地区应从制度体系构建、区域间整合、经济效益与社会效益结合等方面着手,进一步挖掘和利用好该地区的红色文化资源。  相似文献   
近年来我国农村生态环境治理取得了很大的成就,从陕西省的治理实践来看,我国农村仍存在生活污染、种植业污染、养殖业污染、工业污染等问题;从总体看,当前农村生态环境治理进展不平衡、长效机制不健全、推进速度有待提升、农民生态环境治理的参与度不高。导致上述问题的主要原因是农村生态环境治理中的政府职能不足,农民环保意识不强、生产生活习惯改进难,资金投入不足,环境管理体系不健全,宣传力度不够。根据陕西农村生态环境治理的现状,推动农村生态环境治理机制创新,构建党委领导、政府主导、社会协同、公众参与的协同治理机制,是实现农村生态环境善治的有效途径。  相似文献   
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